Managing Life’s Transitions

Managing Life’s Transitions

The one thing you can be sure of is that there will be times when you’re thrown a curve ball. You can be fully prepared, and yet, something happens that you never expected.  Even though you know you’ve got the strength to handle anything that life brings you, you might still be taken aback by an unexpected change in your life’s direction.

These suggestions will help you successfully and gracefully handle the storms that life brings your way.

  1. Take a deep breath. Pause for a moment and give yourself time to just breathe.

If you are stuck in your head or deep in emotions, taking a deep breath will bring you back to the present moment by putting you back in your body.

  1. Process the information by reviewing the facts. Give yourself time to think through what’s happened. Put the emotion aside and review the facts. From your perspective, what occurred?  This might take a few days, depending on your situation.
  2. Talk about it. Call a person your trust and talk about what is happening. This could be a close friend, a family member, or a life coach.  Talking about it is different that thinking about it.  Sharing your challenge could make it a lot easier to get through, especially if you get honest feedback from your confidante.
  3. Consider your options. Although you might not be completely ready to move on yet, try to ponder your situation.  Take a look at the big picture and determine where you can go from here. Plan the next logical steps and be open-minded about resolving immediate issues in the short-term. 

If your situation involves ending a relationship with a business partner, you will have to find someone to pick up the slack until you can hire someone who understands who you serve and how you serve them.

Ask yourself what your possibilities are right now.

  1. Take time to adjust. You might have to make decisions quickly to move forward but it’s wise to take time out to adjust. Give yourself permission to take breaks and make them count.  Meditate, take a walk, dance, or do something fun.
  2. Tell yourself that you’ll make it through. After the initial shock wears off, think of the end result in the best possible light. Thinking positively is the best way to approach any challenge. Remind yourself that you have the savvy and fortitude to find your way from this day forward. When you do, you will realize that  “this too shall pass.”.
  3. Formulate a plan. After reviewing the facts and looking at the big picture, lay out a plan to get you all the way through your challenge. Break your big moves into actionable tasks and then schedule them. As you take action, you will see your life falling into place.
  4. Recognize your own strengths. Remember back to a time you struggled through a crisis and emerged better than ever. Maybe you had to drop out of college because there wasn’t enough money. Or, maybe you lost a job and discovered a new passion and direction. Visualize how you felt when you made it through. When you think about the current situation, feel your strength and you will make it through.
  5. Look at the recent change as an opportunity. Even though it might take some effort, allow yourself to see you’re being given a chance to change your life. You’re in a position to improve something about your existence.

Regard the coming episode of your life as a new adventure and embrace it. 

 Let your imagination run free.  

  1. Move forward with a sense of purpose. Now that you have the bare bones of a plan, you can proceed ahead with your new life with greater confidence. As time goes by, you’ll grow even more sure of the direction you’re heading. Let yourself feel excited about your new goals.

Regardless of what life brings your way, you’ll still keep going. Allow yourself time to breathe and take in the information. Perhaps even talk to someone and consider your choices.

You have what it takes to successfully manage any transition in life that appears before you. Openly accept this opportunity to let go of the old and embrace the new.

About the Author

Bernadette Donnelly is a Marketing Communications Coach who empowers Holistic Health Practitioners to communicate their story to their ideal clients in their preferred style.  She helps holistic and alternative health care practitioners to grow their business to 6-figures or more while living a full and balanced life.

  • Bernadette is a published author and a seasoned non-fiction writer of books, ebooks, training manuals, and marketing literature.
  •  She is a Master Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, and she is trained in Hypnosis, Reiki, and Health Kinesiology.
Bernadette Donnelly

Text content

  • Bernadette is certified in Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Agile Leadership, and Change Management.
  • She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Psychology and is a certified Project Management Professional.

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